Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinics
Locality: Isle Of Wight, Mid Hampshire, South East, South West, Southampton
Type of Care: Secondary
Last updated:
West Hampshire CCG
Refer through eRS as Urgent priority:
Cardiology – Chest Pain – Rapid Access – (Triage) Southampton – UHSFT – RHM
Patients are seen within 14 days of their referral date.
Not available through eRS. Referrals should be emailed directly to RACPC@uhd.nhs.uk
Refer through eRS as Urgent priority:
Cardiology RAS Fast Access Chest Pain-Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust-RHU
Refer through eRS as Urgent priority:
Cardiology RAPID ACCESS CHEST PAIN (RAS) Referral Assessment Service – Salisbury FT-RNZ
Refer through eRS as 2WW priority:
Last updated: