24 / 72 hour ECGs (heart monitoring) and Echocardiograms
Locality: Mid Hampshire, South East, South West, Southampton
Type of Care: Community, Secondary
Last updated:
West Hampshire CCG
eRS listing: Cardiology Integrated Triage Service – HHFT – RN5
For 24-ECG / heart monitoring / open access echo only at UHS please refer directly by email to Non-InvasiveCardiologyAdmin@uhs.nhs.uk
Tel: 02381 206404
For Lymington heart monitoring: ECG Monitoring LYM Southern Health NHS FT RW1 which is on eRS under Diagnostic Physiological Measurement > Cardiac Physiology – ECG
For echocardiograms, InHealth DBS Echocardiogram –Royal Southampton Hospital is on eRS under Diagnostic Physiological Measurement > Cardiac Physiology – Echocardiogram
For Bournemouth, requests for 24 hour ECGs / heart monitoring / echo go via eRS to
General Cardiac – Dorset Heart Centre – R0D
For Salisbury, requests for 24 hr ECGs and direct access echo go via email to shc-tr.Salisburyreferralcentre@nhs.net which will be forwarded on to the Cardiac Investigation Unit.
If in doubt, refer on to Cardiology Triage on eRS.
Referrals for Queen Alexandra Hospital (QAH) are via Advice & Guidance on eRS. Please refer to the guidelines below:
PPG offer ECGs and echos on eRS under Diagnostic Physiological Measurement > Cardiac Physiology
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