Community Cardiology Service – Mid-Hampshire
Locality: Mid Hampshire
Type of Care: Community
Mid Hampshire Healthcare provide a Tier 2 Cardiology Service, run by Dr Peter Savill (GPSI Cardiologist).
This service is available to patients with suspected heart failure, murmurs, palpitations and atrial fibrillation in Mid Hampshire and Eastleigh Test Valley North.
Please note all patients with suspected heart failure have a NT Pro BNP test performed before referral. This is a good rule out test for heart failure with a normal value effectively excluding the condition.
Further information can be found on Mid Hampshire Healthcare’s website here:
- Patients 18+ only
- Patients listed at the practices listed on the map below
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
- Ambulatory ECG monitors and event recorders
- Ambulatory blood pressure recording (24 hour)
- Suspected heart failure with a BNP < 2000
- Suspected valvular lesions/Murmurs
- Atrial Fibrillation (those requiring specialist evaluation)
- Palpitations (those requiring specialist evaluation)
- Hypertension (those requiring specialist evaluation)
- Known coronary artery disease
- Follow-ups of valve disease
- Follow-ups of more complex cardiology cases after discussion with consultant
- Patients presenting with suspected unstable or acute cardiac presentations
- Referrals to rapid access chest pain clinics
- patients with a BNP of >2000
- Patients with complex cardiac conditions which may include implanted rhythm management devices e.g. CRT, ICDs
- Patients presenting with syncope
- The service will not provide the following diagnostic procedures initially, although the range of investigations will be reviewed as the service develops in line with any changes to local guidelines:
- Exercise Stress Testing as immediate access to full resuscitation facilities and medical attention is mandatory.
- Transoesophageal echocardiography
- Patients registered to a practice outside the practices listed below
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