TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack)
Medication Advice (NG128):
• Immediately give Aspirin 300 mg (with proton pump inhibitor cover where appropriate) and arrange urgent assessment (within 24 hrs) by a specialist stroke physician unless the patient:
• Has a bleeding disorder or is taking an anticoagulant as haemorrhage requires exclusion; arrange immediate admission and urgent imaging.
• If on regular low-dose aspirin; continue the current dose of aspirin until reviewed by a specialist.
• If Aspirin is contraindicated — urgently discuss management with the specialist team.
Patient Advice:
• Explain FAST assessment to patient.
• He or she should not drive until he or she has been assessed at the hospital or clinic.
• If there was a witness to the event, that person should accompany the patient to the hospital or clinic.
• If the patient experiences a further event they should call 999 go to ED.
• Ask patient to bring current medication / medication list to clinic.
Refer immediately people who have had a suspected TIA, for specialist assessment and investigation. Please use the referral form attached. Do not send referrals through e-RS.
Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust
Refer through ICE referral system
Advice & guidance tel: 01962 824159
University Hospital Southampton NHS FT
Refer by email: uhs.tia@nhs.net
Advice & guidance tel: 023 8120 5019
Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS FT
Refer through Single Point of Access team (SPOA) Tel: 03000 33 4000
Advice & guidance Tel: 01202 303626, bleep:2795.
Salisbury NHS FT
Refer through Single Point of Access team (SPOA) Tel: 03000 33 4000
Advice & guidance tel: 01722 336262: In hours bleep:1490. Out of hours bleep; 1361
Lymington, Forest Assessment Centre
Refer by e-mail: fac@southernhealth.nhs.uk
This Clinic is only open: Monday to Friday. Out of hours, refer to Acute provider
Advice & guidance tel: 01590 663 081
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