The Community Dermatology Service in South West Hampshire (Omnes) will see males 16 and over for consideration of isotretinoin. Females of all ages should be referred to secondary care Dermatology.
Please include a photo in referrals wherever possible.
Inclusion Criteria
- Male
- Patient is 16 years old or over
- No past medical history of depression or mood change
- Acne with scarring, regardless of severity of inflammatory acne
- Nodulo-cystic acne
- Moderate to severe non-scarring acne not responding to 2 adequate courses of systemic antibiotics.
- Patient has acne resistant to antibiotics (more than 3 months of 2 different antibiotics
- in combination with topical therapy keratolytic E.g. Benzoyl Peroxide /retinoid (e.g. Adapalene)
Exclusion Criteria (refer to secondary care)
- Female patients
- Patients with evidence of dysmorphophobia
- Patients who have previously had a course of isotretinoin
The Isotretinoin Pathway
Within the pathway all patients will have:
- a record of treatment to date and be advised of the requirement undergoing this treatment
- been considered within the scope of the inclusion criteria for Isotretinoin
- bloods taken at the first appointment with the specialist (unless bloods have been recently taken and results included in referral)
- Full blood count (FBC); U&E’s, LFT, fasting lipids
- Monitoring investigations will be completed by OMNES clinicians:
- FBC, U&Es, LFT, fasting lipids will be redone at 4 weeks and at 8 weeks if the dose has been increased at week 4.
UHS offer laser therapy for skin scarring for acne
All referrals in Mid Hampshire for consideration of isotretinoin for the treatment of acne should be directed to secondary care.
Last updated:
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